My Best Efforts - Year 3


Tine Lines.......

.........with four forks ! - for MonoMonday: Lines.

I also took pictures at our local Railway Station which weren't bad but thought this a bit more unusual.


1) The word fork comes from the Latin furca, meaning "pitchfork." Some of the earliest known uses of forks with food occurred in Ancient Egypt, where large forks were used as cooking utensils. Bone forks had been found in the burial site of the Bronze Age Qijia culture (2400–1900 BC) as well as later Chinese dynasties' tombs. The Ancient Greeks used the fork as a serving utensil.

2) "It is coarse and ungraceful to throw food into the mouth as you would toss hay into a barn with a pitchfork." Anonymous

3) The New York Ladies' Indispensable Assistant, published in 1852, gave general advice on eating with a fork, knife, and spoon:
"If silver or wide pronged forks are used, (for fish), eat with the fish fork in the right hand—the knife is unnecessary.

4) To drop a fork means a man is coming to visit.

A bright sunny morning - ideal for messing around with forks (!!!!) - with the temperature around the 52 Deg. F.

Hope you all had a good weekend.

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