Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

MonoMonday - Lines

Such a lot of choice for the challenge this week. I had several options one of which was to head out to Ash Island where I had been before and noticed rather enormous power lines. Ash Island is a bit of a nature reserve with water ways and much birdlife.

Because of all the rain we have had the roads were very muddy and on this particular road I was going down it ranged from small puddles to large size spas. I wondered about the sense of taking the new car there as it is not a real off road vehicle. I have never heard such a chorus of frogs and various things were scuttling across the road which when I stopped to look it turned out to be a crab which indignantly held it's pinchers up to me. Life was teaming. I did take many shots of the lines and support towers with all that lovely geometrics but in the end have blipped the line of the road I was travelling between and the not so impressive lines to the right.

Thanks for the get well wishes. They worked and I feel much better today.

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