
To avoid the worst traffic, and because I prefer to be at the hospital by 0800, a run before breakfast is in the dark at this time of the year. Because my runs have become almost equally as much about getting a photo (75 - 80% of my blips have been of photos taken while on a run), I have been delaying my runs until after I get home. I am able to finish early enough to have daylight throughout the run.

This evening I ran to Western Springs Lake to see what I could see. Jesafly was particularly taken with a photo I took of an Australian Coot building a nest only about 2m from the edge of the lake, at a point where the path was almost on the edge of the lake.

However, after a little bit of vacillation I thought I would post this one.

I heard a loud flapping of wings and a half dozen big black swans flew low to my left and "landed" in the lake (should that be "watered" in the lake?). I was only able to get one photo of one of the swans doing so, and I wasn't greatly satisfied with it.

Especially when, in no obvious order, each of the swans reared up from the water (one at a time) and flapped its wings furiously for a few seconds. The lack of order, and the short time they did this for, meant that I missed all but this one and one other; a less satisfactory photo.

Apart from converting this to square format (which allowed the excision of a swathe of water on the right of the photo), I have made no alterations to what was given me by the camera.

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