
By CafeMistblick

Peaceful Bees

Hive is now situated within the fenced off chicken run. We rarely lock the chickens in during the day but let them roam where they will.

The part of the run where the hive is, was until last year very shaded and the ground full of weeds. Now that we have removed a couple of trees and cut back shrubs there is lots of light. So to make things a little more attractive have dug over the ground by hand, trying to remove as much of the perennial weed roots as possible.

Today as I had rented a cultivator/rotavator, thought I would go over the ground to make it really crumbly. Worked a treat.

MrB warned me last year that although he bred peaceful bees, one shouldn't push ones's luck. If one had to mow grass in front of the hive, then pass by once and if you have to return, keep moving. Have to say I had to keep passing the girls several times but not a single one bothered to come by. I guess they are, thankfully, much too busy with the dandelions. Perhaps they also saw the various packets of seeds of bee friendly flowers which are now spread out in front of their house entrance.

Have naturally now fenced off the area until the seeds have taken over and have a bit of a chance against the chickens.

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