Resident with camera

By Lawrie

Ghosts of Christmas Past

These two tree decorations are reminders of Christmas' gone; the top one was picked up from Boston several christmas' ago, the lower 'jigsaw' type was a gift from Paco, a ski buddy, whilst we on holiday in Lake Tahoe last Christmas. This year is the first for a long time that we will actually be in our own house at christmas.

Some people may have noticed that I have changed the title of my Journal. As I was approaching 365, I thought that I should set a challenge for myself for the following year, and that challenge is to blip a 'topic' no more than 7 times. For example no more than 7 birds, 7 flowers, 7 vegetable plants, 7 train stations, 7 buskers etc (btw all of those examples got well into double figures over the last 355 entries). It also gets me thinking in terms of 'themes' and 'sets'.

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