The Light Room

By Johndmcck

Site for Sore Ise

Feeling somewhat under the weather this weekend, with hayfever surfacing once again, and trying to get relief from some necessary chores, I did perhaps what others may have avoided; went outdoors. I always find walking therapeutic and knew this would sort things out, with more results than expected. I took some photos of ramsons and bluebells, and stopped at Wicksteed park's reserve. I've not taken many images of the location before but here we see part of the river Ise and the south end of Wicksteed park towards the right, with the footpath in between. I've been here before but upon walking further discovered new areas the other side of the park i'd never walked before and made special note to return here soon. In this location today I heard a blackcap and a goldcrest and saw a buzzard, red kite, kestrel (great to watch it's hunting in action) and a handful of swallows. This site has plenty of flora too, as well as land features with archeological importance; thinking I need to bring the DSLR with me next time.

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