Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Rotherham Here We Come


We were meant to head off to Rotherham this morning for Christmas with No1 sons girlfriend.

Dug the car out (again) in a snowstorm and picked up the last few items.
Headed onto the M8 and managed to keep moving past the stranded cars (bad driving) and stuck/jacknifed lorries. It was just behind me that the Audi driver burnt out his clutch and blocked the motorway.

The sliproad to Livingston was backed up half way to Bathgate - then there was nothing for about 1/4 mile before the road way blocked again away past Bathgate and out of sight.

I came off at Bathgate and headed home because I knew I was not going to get my car up the long slow hill at Harthill.

Then had to get help digging/pushing the car into the street and parking space.

We will try again tomorrow (I am not spending almost the whole trip in the dark today)

11/2 hours to go 5 miles and back again .......... what a crap day

Edit - forgot to link the other couple of shots here

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