1 day old

We went back to The Farm this morning for the Spring Celebration and Family Day, Local Producers' Market, live music, all sorts of things for children to do and lots of baby animals to see. I bought a selection of home made Hummous and some huge leeks; we ate organic burgers, drank real ale, squabbled over a bag of homemade fudge, went on the kids' trail and ticked off all the points of interest, which included 'compost loos' - we know how to live!!
The weather was lovely this morning but after all that indulgence we both felt some exercise was needed so we went to the model flying field where T mowed the runway and I went for a long walk - T only just got the mower put away and I returned from my walk before the heavens opened and the thunder roared.

The Ceilidh at The Farm last night was very, very good..... I hear. I didn't stay the whole night as my intended partner for the evening butted out at the last minute!!!! but undeterred, I rocked up and introduced myself to a member of the Ceilidh Band who is a fellow blipper NatureWatcher. I couldn't resist joining in at least one dance, which I did but after the food interval was called I went home to cook ours!

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