
By CharlotteJ

If you go down to the woods today!

Im am a bit jealous of this shotHere, Chris took this and I think its rather lovely.

Bluebells everywhere but I like the fact that life continues even after death...well done to these bluebells for being determined to shine and still grow.

Been a really lovely day that has gone far too quick, but then my days with Chris always do go too fast! This morning we had bacon rolls and then took my audi that I needed to sell since getting my new toy to We Buy Any (no advertising) and I have to say if you live in the UK and you have a car to sell, go to these people, simple, easy, and I got more than I expected but less than a private sell, although selling private to me would be too time consuming so I am a happy girl. Of course though the pennies have already been water system goes into the house this week and we then have to look at a few other bits that we were aware of but have ignored sinced we moved in!!

time now for sunday roast and some research on Adelaide and accommodation

Happy Sunday

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