
By Delamanda

No bubble fubbles for us!

Continuing our wine journey, today’s recommendations are Leth’s Goldener Muskatellar Klassik and Iby’s Blaufränkisch Klassik. With another evening of al-fresco dining (well at least until the heavens suddenly opened between the main course and dessert), there was no room at our table for the “mubble fubbles”: ‘A state of depression or melancholy; despondency, low spirits. Chiefly in in (also out of) one’s mubble-fubbles.’ (OED). The only mubble fubble of the day was the realisation that the expression itself is obsolete. Definitely one for the “reinstatement of obsolete words” campaign.
Day #114 of a 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by the OED word of the day.

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