The Greatest Show on Earth

“There's a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they're absolutely free. Don't miss so many of them.” ― Jo Walton

That Tabbycat and I have our morning rituals. And one of them is sitting on the front porch, watching the sun rise. He is a crack-of-dawn Tabbycat, so as soon as the light starts, he is up, wanting breakfast, wanting the rituals, full of purrs, so excited to start his day.

Sunrises are one of the great delights of my life: the greatest show on Earth. And so we two sit on the front porch watching the sun rise, watching our world fill with light. We cherish this ritual. I hold him in my arms, our two hearts beating against each other as the light comes, enjoying the quiet, and the sky, and each other's company. A peaceful moment before the day begins.

The song: Bruce Springsteen, Two Hearts, from 1980.

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