Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Shrewsbury Cartoon 'Festival'

Had a lovely day today. The weather was much better than forecast so I went into town first thing to have a look at the Cartoon 'Festival' (why festival?? Not sure what the official definition is but I'm sure that approx. 8 cartoonists drawing on big boards and a couple doing caricatures does not make a festival!) and to get a few birthday cards etc before returning to work on Monday :-(. Had a lovely walk around town, popped into the newly opened museum (not the bit you have to pay for) and even managed to spend a Christmas voucher. Shrewsbury residents will know the subject of today's blip as our very tall MP. I had other photos more relevant to the festival but it's not every day you get to photograph an MP is it?

After returning home, I popped out to the shops to get something for my son and then to get the weekly shopping. I was late back and made us a bit late for our game of badminton which was great, although we missed K as he's still recovering from his recent hernia op.

All in all a busy day but it was great to be busy and get some exercise.

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