Minnie seems to have shaken off the rubbish cough and cold And is back to 'normal' - more chatty than the previous few days.

We went for a huge walk in the morning while Minnie napped and then came home to potter

Simon and Minnie both had an afternoon nap while I did a teeny bit of eBay. We then went a walk into the Castle a Grounds with mum and the dogs where there was a medieval event going on for St George's home. Home and my brother and his girlfriend came round for dinner - he insisted on a million poppadoms which he them crunched up into crisp sized pieces! It was a lovely evening - nice for Mum to have both her kids to herself. Minnie went to bed at 630 and slept through hooray!!!!!

I think the s**t of the last week has caught up with me. I have a cold sore and I've lost half a stone in weight little bit of a bonus there!. But I've drawn a line under it all - simon has spoken to his brother and told him that she was out of order, he admitted she went on the attack no shit Sherlock.

He wanted us to all to get together which Simon declined - call me petty but when someone calls me selfish and I only think of myself I can't just brush it under the carpet. When someone hurts me, I take a long time to forget. So, I will leave it for Simon and his brother to see each other, which I'll encourage him to do too, but I'll keep my distance. Little does she realize that all the times we saw them it was due to me organizing it, I booked all the family meals, I buy all the birthday/Christmas presents and it was them who declined coming to our wedding.....yep, all selfish behavior on my part!

That's it, there will be no more said - I'm boring myself with it all now!!!

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