
By bgleyna

And That Will Be Heaven by Evangeline Paterson

And That Will Be Heaven

and that will be heaven

and that will be heaven
at last...the first unclouded
seeing stand like the sunflower
turned full face to the sun...drenched
with the still centre
held...while the circling planets
hum with an utter joy

...seeing and knowing
at every particle
seen and known...and not turning

...never turning away

- Evangeline Peterson

Sadly, this is the last poem in our book, "The Heart's Time - A poem a day for Lent and Easter" by Janet Morley. My sister and I have enjoyed the challenge we set each other to find a blip each day to go with the poems. I will miss it!

I love the sunflower and how it literally turns around to present its face to wherever the sun is in the sky. And how the shape of the flower is a reflection of the sun, which 'it lives by and seems to worship'.

May I worship my Lord in the same way, by being a reflection and likeness of Him!

It's not quite the season to find a sunflower actually growing in a garden yet, so I had to use the cut flower version of the sunflowers that are on the tables at Buon Giorno. This one was taken with the lovely guitar-playing singer, Erlon Lemos from Belo Horizonte, Brazil who performed at the coffee house tonight. He sang several of his songs in Portuguese and I was able to brush up on my Portuguese with him a little bit afterwards.

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