wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg



It was an excellent day, with the most relaxed bride ever. The weather should have been awful, but it held those parts for when we were inside, with the sun coming out to play whenever we needed to be outside. There was a sprinkling of snow on the mountain and an abundance of rainbows throughout the day.

As bridesmaid, I requested that I be allowed to give a speech. And I did. I post it here both as putting it into my own record, but also because it expresses my complete joy about these two people. Thank you Erica for allowing me to be part of your day, it was a blessing to be there by your side (even if you did insist on such an early morning).

I want to tell you a story, a tale of tears and woe, with a rainbow at the end. Now, this tale concerns two people in this room, and I can assure you that each has a different version of events. This is my side.

Once upon a time, 23 years ago, two small girls arrived for their first day at kindergarten. One had beautiful rosy cheeks, the other had long pigtails. Our rosy-cheeked heroine was a little tearful, clinging to her mother's hand, reluctant to let go. Pigtails, on the other hand, had already forgotten she ever had a family - she'd spotted the sand pit. But she heard the little sobs, and she knew how to fix them. "Don't worry, I'll look after you!" she said, and dragged our heroine off to the sandpit. And with those simple words, a friendship was sealed.

Steven, I can't tell you about being Erica's husband, that's something you'll have to work out through trial and error. But I can tell you about being Erica's friend. A friendship with Erica is built on sharing the little things. Telling her about eating lunch in the sun, a cute puppy you saw, a horrible sneeze, or a funny-awkward conversation. And it's about listening when she tells you the same. You'll need to help her sometimes say 'no', and comfort her when she tries to be superwoman and then realises the size of the task. She'll try to do everything, and you'll have to force her to delegate. Let her look after and organise you, but be occasionally spontaneous. Let her experiment with making things like sauerkraut and flannel hankies. Surprise her with new cafés, flowers, and random cups of tea.

23 years ago I vowed to look after Erica. And I suppose I have. But she's also looked after me. Erica is the most caring and truest friend you can ever hope for. As kids we tried to learn semaphore, to talk to each other from our lounge room windows without hogging the phone line. Together we dragged each other through the muddy years of high school, teased and encouraged each other from overseas via letters, text messages and prayers, and watched each other grow ever closer to God.

Stephen, you are blessed to have won the heart of this Godly and beautiful lady. We've done our best to care for her, and now it's your turn. Pray together, worship together, trust in the Lord together, know your decisions are blessed by Him. Know also that you have our prayers as you step forward together into your new life.

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