This Little Piggy Goes to Lunch

I got up early this morning, and the sun was shining, so seized with the desire to seem my old favorite Seaview Trail, I got dressed and drove up there. Ozzie and I used to walk here at lest three times a week and it is one of the things I really miss, because he didn't have to be on a leash, something that just doesn't exist in Sonoma County.

Time and body heat ran out pretty quickly, so I didn't walk very far in the biting crosswind, but the main reason I turned around when I did, was that it just wasn't the same without Ozzie!

When I had surgery on my feet and was stuck at home in a cast, Marcia recommended her housekeepers, Isolde and her husband, Tony, who helped Isolde and did some basic maintenance in the garden.. They were at Marcia's house today so I dropped by to say hello to them. They are still cleaning our old house for the new owners. Isolde was pleased that Jimana, who is from Peru, speaks Spanish, but Tony sadly told us that every single thing--plants, minuscule patio, planter boxes, rock "creeks" and even the lovely weeping cherry tree had been taken out and replaced with grass. I admit to feeling sad about that, even though I must tell myself that it is nothing to do with me anymore….

I picked up a big picture that was being framed in Berkeley. The shop is in a little courtyard behind a cafe and as I was leaving, I did a classic double take when I saw this pig on a leash sitting next to a table full of elegantly dressed young women. Right outside the entrance to the courtyard, I ran into a young mann with a bull terrier with a red necktie! Could this be "only in Berkeley?

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