The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Open Water!

This morning I had my first taste of open water swimming. After an hour and a half of theory and the donning of wetsuits, we tentatively got into the water. Once I had got over the shock of the cold (it was 12.3 degrees!) and had got used to the fact I floated, could see under the water and the freezing cold water in my mouth...I really enjoyed it! So much so that we are going back next Saturday for another session - yes, Paul is coming next time - and I am going to buy a wetsuit! Happy days!

I came home for a shower, a late lunch and then we went to the BMW garage to talk about my Z4. And....


I'm a little excited. I'll tell you about it next week, cant have too much good news in one day. The we went to the gym so I could do a 6km run and home for a dog walk, yummy chicken and veg dinner and now a glass of wine in front of Toy Story Three. A super final day with Paul before he heads back to work tomorrow.

Mum, I'll ring you tomorrow late afternoon / early evening!x

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