Happy Sheep

The day started well with a sunny morning but after lunch it started to rain!

Up fairly early for a Saturday as I had loads planned for today.
I got 143 Sycamores trees this morning and me and niece Elise have made a great start to planting them, we must have planted about 100 in the morning. Trying to make my very own peerie forest by adding more trees to the ones my granddad planted in the 1970s and my mam planted in the 1980s.
The rain started and put an end to the rest of the trees and plans for walkies with Sammy dog too.
Working again in the museum tonight but it's extra pennies for my holidays :)

I've been passing these friendly and happy sheep all week and they seem very keen on playing in this trailer. Not sure why the tractor and trailer have been sitting in the field with them but it's giving the sheep some great fun :) They spotted me and this is them making there way to say hello :) Taken at Aithsetter, Cunningsburgh.

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