Another Jaunt

...this time to the beautiful isle of Gigha.

A small stop at Inverary for lunch, weather was dreadful on the drive over, but brightened as we drove onto the ferry to cross to Gigha.....we have the accolade of being the only people so far to drive an ex London Cab onto the ferry and round Gigha.

Not that you really need to drive about the island, it's teeny tiny and gorgeous, but when you have a bit of a another chest infection and can barely stand without losing a lung cold, it tends to put a bit of a crimp in your fresh air and hiking plans.

The Gigha Hotel is just wonderful, really friendly and I am determined to go back to make more of the bar facilities instead of sleeping from 8pm until breakfast!

I also am saying a few Hail Marys for being a bad blipper, the lurgy and a dead laptop were to blame and I promise to do better.

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