Old enough to know better
With a combined age of over 300 years (eek!) you'd think we would have enough sense not to try to squish 6 people into a 'selfie'. Cue much hilarity as we tried to arrange ourselves so that everyone was in the shot in front of the Big Fish!
Our get-together is now over for another while and we have dispersed to the four corners (?) of N Ireland. We met for breakfast at a lovely place beside the river Lagan. Unfortunately I hadn't checked times and we arrived at 9.30am to discover that it didn't open 'til 10. Hats off to the staff, though, who opened up early especially for us! That's good service - we will be back to 'Fed and Watered' :)
A bit of a tootle round the shops was followed by coffee at Cafe Vaudeville, where Hazel's two sons appeared to add further entertainment. You can see the theme emerging here, lots of chatting and eating!
Hope you have had a lovely weekend too.
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