
Part one of my youngest's graduation process: the awards ceremony for graduating from the Honors College of her university. This is my daughter with the dean of the Honors College upon receiving her certificate.

Her university (Florida International University) counts about 50,000 students, of which 1,000 are accepted into the Honors College, based on academic excellence. Approximately 7,000 students graduate each year, of which 200 in the Honors College.

And my daughter was the only student-athlete in that lot, and that's quite exceptional. To understand why, you have to realize that she not only carried the full allotment of a regular scientific degree, along with the additional requirements of the Honors College, while spending 20-30 hours each week in practices and games at her sport at a Division 1 level, and maintaining near perfect marks. That's essentially multiplying a regular student's workload by three… I think getting and working a job will seem easy in comparison to that schedule :)

So I hope you'll excuse my gloating a bit, but I'm pretty darn proud of her :)

Part 2 of her graduation, with her regular department of environmental sciences will take place Tuesday.

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