I'm still slightly afraid of her.
Thanks for all your wonderful commonsense advice yesterday. You're such a fantastic bunch of people. It's easy to overlook the simple things you can do to help yourself. I intend to get my act together and be a little kinder to myself. I'm really grateful for what has proved to be a bit of a wake-up call.
It was a wet lunchtime walk into Market Square and I didn't have a lot of time. I spotted Florrie (she is difficult not to spot) and was soon blasted with complaints. I don't think I've ever heard a positive word spout forth from her mouth! She takes issue with everything! But there is something about her recalcitrance that is oddly appealing. She certainly makes for a great photographic subject and I think I finally got the portrait I wanted of her today.
"Haven't you taken enough pictures of me by now," she asks.
"No Florrie, I could never take enough pictures of you," I reply.
It's true. And I think she rather enjoys the attention. I even got a flicker of a smile from her last week. I suspect most people give her a rather wide berth.
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