Peachie's Pics

By Peachie


"Now the Lord provided a huge fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights." Jonah 1:17

Today's picture is of our friend Ragnar's superjeep coming down our road. He is over from Iceland at the minute doing a tour and promoting his Superjeep, so he popped in to see us. It's not a sight you see every day a very large jeep coming down the road. We have had many an adventure in these things, and keep going back for more...

Jonah met a very large whale when he tried to avoid doing what God had told him to do. How many of us try and hide from something that God has asked us to do, only to find God brings us round to it anyway!! In the past I have found myself being faced with a difficult conversation that I have got to have, and I have done my best to try and avoid it, but it keeps coming up until I did, then when I did have the conversation it actually made things better for everyone and so it was worthwhile. I often think it would be much easier to trust God from the beginning and do as He says, but I know it is not always this easy. Although, actually it is this easy, but the human side of us takes over. Is there anything you are hiding from that God has asked you to do? If there is, I would encourage you to be brave, ask God to help you, and stop hiding from it....

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