
By CoffeePotter

Mission Impossible?

Even the poor old squirrels were wet through today. I had to feel sorry for this one - his tail looked absolutely saturated.

He is trying to get to our new super-duper "squirrel-be-gone" bird-feeder. The inside section which holds the seed is surrounded by a metal cage. The ports have little perches that let birds feed, but when the squirrels perch on them, the casing slides down and the metal leaves block the access to the ports. That's the theory.

We only put it in the garden a few days ago, and this is the first squirrel we've seen attempt an attack. Unfortunately he didn't get as far as the leaves sliding down - that would have been interesting.

You can buy feeders that spin round when a squirrel climbs on, thus flinging the naughty squirrel into mid-air, which may be good for a blip, but I don't fancy picking up lots of broken-legged creatures every day, and nursing them back to health.

The man on the left is "The Green Man". Our son purchased it for his Dad many years ago, when he was a teenager (son not father). He said it looked like him (father not son)! Things don't change, but I don't think he looks much like that now.

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