Joy....full and triumphant

Today was feeding day for Joy. Nothing unusual about that until I noticed that my fish was nowhere to be seen (there were only two left after the the devastating effects of hurricane Darnell a few years ago, and one of those died about a month ago).

Usually at feeding time, the fish darts about, mopping up all the debris from Joys messing eating. But today....nothing.

The tank lid was firmly on, and there was nothing on the gravel. Very odd indeed, with further investigation necessary.

As I lifted out the centrepiece of the tank (now known as the tower of terror) the half eaten, lifeless body of the fish dropped out.
Remember the scene from Jaws where the decapitated head drops down in the boat wreck? It was like that.

I can't say whether the fish died of natural causes or whether this new food (which contains fish amongst other things) sparked some sort of bloodlust in Joy, but suffice to say the body had been well hidden in the certainly didn't put itself there!

Maybe she was saving it for later, but she still troughed 6 blocks of food like a frog possessed!

And then there was one :-(

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