From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG


It's quite daft to be excited about a shed, but this one has been in pieces in our garage and/or kitchen for the last month waiting to be constructed, and finally it has been built. So nice to have some space back!

It also provides some perspective for my monster plant, which I think has got even more monstrous as the week has gone by...

Not a great first week back from holidays - nothing dramatically wrong with it, just a bit "meh" all round. By way of example, I managed to get my dates muddled and tried to take Littler G to pre-school on Wednesday when big brother went back to school, even though the pre-school didn't re-start until Thursday. Oops. That'll teach me to read emails more carefully! One way or another I haven't got half the stuff done that I'd planned to do, but - ridiculously - now that the shed's in place, I'm feeling all inspired again... I just need to turn that theoretical enthusiasm into actual action.

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