
By granpabear


Q came at lunch time, so his Papa could work. After lunch he was playing with the dogs in the light from the patio door. Real cute. I went to get the camera, and of course, the dogs followed me. So much for that photo op. So I got the goose and told him to ride. Every grandchild has ridden this goose. I carved it in 1985, for Christmas. It is glued up pieces of Basswood. I even bought eyes for her. Now I just use rocks.
After his ride, he got cuddled by grandma while we played cribbage. Then I tried to get him to take a nap with me. He would have no part of that! So I had to go it alone, while he ran back and forth in the loft above me. When I got up, I went outside and did a little work. When I came in he and grandma were baking cookies.
We then sat at the table, he on my lap, and ate several cookies. Then for about an hour or two, we floated on our sugar high. We watched out the patio door. A crow and blue jay disagreement. Chickadees and bush tits hanging upside down. I guess that all of the chunkies were taking a nap. This lead to a lot of bouncing on the knee. On a horse, in a boat and so on. Accompanied with songs real and made up. Pufferbellys all in a row, little bitty fishes in a pool, sweetly sings the donkey, and the ants go marching. All done to appropriate bouncing. Then his Papa came and got him.
I am tired, but I'd say that was a perfect happy day.
Off to the beach tomorrow. Life is hard!

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