
By Doingok

Throwback Thursday

Today was a strange day - it started with breakfast with a friend of Sumner's from Pre-School days. She Facebook messaged me to see if we could meet. Said she wanted to talk. She and Sumner really didn't have a lot to do with each other after Kindergarten but she knew of her passing and we had met before. Come to find out, she wanted to meet because she recently found out her older brother (27) had the same disease as Sumner and she wanted someone who understood to talk to.

After breakfast I tried to take some pictures, but it was blowing a gale (20-40 miles an hour) and just holding the camera steady was a feat. So I've decided to use an old picture of Logan and Josiane going to the prom. This was actually from 2 years ago. J was his "childhood sweetheart" from middle school and they are now in college together. She and an aunt escaped from the Rwandan genocide several years ago when she was only 1 year old. The rest of her family wasn't so lucky. They spent some time in a refuge camp and somehow ended up here in NH. She has always been a good friend to Logan and is an exceptional young woman. They have recently rekindled their friendship - remaining just friends (or so he says). She brings calm into his life and he loves that she will cook him dinner occasionally too. :-)

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