Life, not as we see it.



Well over 170 photos taken today. Difficult to select one goodie so you get a collage:- Goldilocks and the three beers, two men from down under, super smooth golly & I spy a Calatrava.
Super smooth sold us a deal on the tourist bus, 6 for 5, plus 3 day's duration, and including a walking tour of Triana, all for E17 each. We took the main bus tour which was a great orientation tool, then, following a cerveza break, the Triana tour. This was led by a Swedish/Canadian/Spanish girl who really knew her stuff.
Ended up in a Triana bar which was providing a free flamenco "show" this evening. With a certain amount of scepticism, we returned at the appointed hour and, with only a slight hiccup in getting seats, we were presented with a truly excellent & authentic flamenco demo. The dancer was young, and beautiful although perhaps a wee bit unconventional. The guitarist, and in particular, the singer, were exceptional.
Mucho boozo & tapas / raciones were subsequently consumed, and a good night was had by all, particularly those in receipt of many of our hard earned pension euros.
Will probably go back.

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