
By misspixter

Joseph Freddie Alexander Patterson

Not posted for a long time. It been a difficult 5 months for us, very long story. Basically at 18weeks pregnant my waters broke, the prognosis was bleak. We were told I'd go into labour and miscarry, if I didn't the baby had little chance of survival due to lack of amniotic fluid which is vital for lung development. Weeks passed, three of which in hospital and the rest housebound except for constant hospital checks as I was at severe risk of infection and I was bleeding. We had weekly scans which always showed no fluid around the baby and baby future looked bleak, possibilty of survival less than 5% chance we were told and possibilty of contractures from being squashed with no fluid amongst other things. Well someway somehow we made it to 30 weeks, then I went into labour. Labour progressed very quickly and I was rushed for a c-section due baby being breech and because of the babies precarious situation. They had no time for a spinal and I was put to sleep not knowing if I'd wake to have my baby alive, would his lungs be enough to sustain life. Joseph was born 22nd october weighing 3lb2oz in poor condition, no heart rate. They managed to intubate him and he was transferred to Liverpool womens hospital and I was transferred too. After 7 weeks in special care and 5 of those in intensive care Joseph came home on the 7th December on oxygen (very small amount). Thanks to the good work of the amazing people of NICU at Liverpool and warrington hospitals our little baby boy is going to be just fine, with no apparent problems other than needed oxygen probably for a few months. He is a regular little christmas miracle who beat the odds and we sure are glad he did, as he ROCKS my world, and is a beautiful little brother to Lucas. xxxxxx

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