Moments of calm
I was looking forward to today - first session with the rehab trainer - a trip into Stavely with time to spare (so plenty of blipping & coffee opportunities) - the only job I had to fit in was a quick pop into town to collect a vodafone thingy that would allow me to have a mobile signal down at the garden office - thus completing the work from home project, so it was all lined up to be a good day.
With a good couple of hours to spare I 'popped' into the vodafone shop - to be completely stonewalled by the staff - "no there's no record of you" - so I showed them the email I'd had the foresight to print out and take - "oh we can't (won't) do that" - a quick visit was quickly heading south...
So long story short it took me phoning a customer services manager & giving my phone to the shop manager and two hours to get this sorted out - my spare time evaporated and so did the Blips and coffee's. In today's world this sort of customer care from what should be a very IT savvy company is both predictable and yet still disappointing, especially when the actual request, once each department had allocated the correct amount of blame to each other, took less than five minutes and was exactly what had been agreed (and confirmed in writing) three weeks ago.
Todays Blip is the lovely Marsh Marigolds that I'd had the sense to snap when I walked the pooch this morning.
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