at the big meadow, I saw the pheasant, actually two male pheasants, but I followed slowly one of them and he was not really shy. No females to see now, sitting on their nests perhaps?
After lunch I cycled to Madestein, to the pond where still six young swans are dwelling at the shore. At the other side of the pond I notice a male grown-up swan whose female friend sits on her nest in the Heempark. The male sails from time to time towards the young ones, let them know he is not pleased with their presence there.
I gave the young ones oatflakes and the Nile geese pair with a lot if babies too.
When the angry male came swiftly towards me I saw a large branch lying nearby and I got it and intended to chase him when he dared to come ashore too and be nasty to the young ones. It did not happen this time however.
He simply ate of the flakes and when he had enough he sailed away as he had come.
It started to rain softly and I left the scene, before going home I cycled still a bit further to the meadow at the end of Madestein where the sheep had been in the big meadow, the wires had been put away, the sheep probably let to another green field.
There I saw the pheasants.
On my way back the rain grew heavier and I came home in wet pants.

My haiku:

We are not all alike
My feathers shine, yours may not
Be so exuberant

And the proverb:

Dat is een koud sopje, zei Stijntje, en ze kreeg een regenbui op haar dak.

Translation: Cold suds, Stijntje said, and she got a rainshower on her roof (head?)

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