
By phoenixrising

"shhhh I am hiding from the cat next door"

I am delighted to say that I slept in this morning, cannot remember the last time that happened! It is quite amazing how different I feel having slept for a few hours ....... rushed off to my daughters so she could take Lily over to her friends. The two of them are going on holiday together with Megans mum. Lily was so unbelievable excited.

Evie and I had some quality time writing, word games (her thing of the moment) not out playing as it was raining heavily. After lunch we all went for tea and cakes to the cafe in the mills shops in Denby Dale............... mmmmmmmmmm coffee and walnut and pot of earl grey.

Had the cleaners in whilst I was out so to come home to a clean smelling polished bungalow with clean floors was an absolute joy. Then got ready for poetry night which has just finished We had to do 10 minutes free writing then pick fourteen random words from it and make something of them ............ mine was :

Heralded by the sound
of Tibetan chimes

I enter and
my Spiritual journey
continues ...................

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