
By Kiteseeker

Risky Business.....

After a morning of rain decided to have a bike ride. The mistake was heading out towards the Moors where I encountered both mist and rain!

The rain eventually stopped as I turned up towards Appleton Le Moors. The moorland sheep have only just started to lamb owing to the availability of food on the moors. A number of the sheep had chosen the narrow grass verge to lamb - not the safest of places to bring up their offspring!

I was worried when I spotted this little lamb as it was very lethargic laying very still but did rally as I approached. I suspect the cold damp weather was partly to blame. Further along a lamb was prone in the middle of the road. Clearly road sense has still to be learnt as it jumped up then panicked and head butted its sibling as they both tried to head in opposite directions. Unfortunately my camera was not to hand to capture their antics before they ran back to Mum.

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