I'm your biggest fan...
I just wanted you to know that!
Would you mind... Could you sign this for me?
Oh Thankyou! And this... Could you sign this as well? Don't worry, it won't be up on eBay. I told you, I'm your biggest fan...
I've got quite a few bits and pieces of yours now... Quite the museum! I got some off the internet and I've met you twice and you were so nice and everything. And some of the stuff I just, well, found. It's OK, you didn't want it. It was in your trash! If you had wanted it, you wouldn't have put it there, would you? Stands to reason! And, shall I tell you a secret? I have been in your house... Oh, quite a few times, let me tell you! But I've never taken anything - not from in your house, that wouldn't be right. What's that? Oh yes, you were there some of the times... But I was very, very quiet.
So, yes, I reckon I'm your Number One fan!
Number One...
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