
By SilverImages


Such beautiful soft pink colour on the leaves at this time of year, adds lovely touch of colour with the green backdrop. Garden has been thriving while we've been away.

It seems like ages since we've attended, but there's a Meeting in Caerleon today, so I hastily pull together the paperwork. Arrive with a couple of minutes to spare. Afterwards V collars me to ask about travel arrangements for Friday. I have a Retreat planned on Caldey over the weekend, really looking forward to it [weather permitting for the boat crossing].

Collect dad on the way home to bring him home for dinner today. We've put the meat on timed so still have to get the veg done, plenty of time to sit and chat with him. I also check on emails while the veg cooks. All quiet. Still don't really feel quite "back" from holiday.

Take Dad to visit Mum in hospital in the afternoon. We stay long enough for her to convince him she needs another pair of slippers! I drop him off on the way home - roads are really quiet today. Evening spent catching up on TV stuff - Shetland.

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