Photos in A Major

By A

Sunday Roast

Well something like that, except there's no Yorkshire pudding, horseradish and it's not Sunday. Anyway, sat on board BA's finest bound for the US. A long weekend seems a long time ago now, reviewing the emails that have been sent from our cousins while we've been celebrating Easter.

In case you wonder, the empty glass was me just doing a spot of wine tasting at 37,000 feet. I long maintained (indeed it's the subject of a new year blip three years ago) that Pinot Noir is a rubbish grape. Now burgundy is a different matter, but PN is Vimto dressed up. So I could hardly resist the chance to try a Californian big balls Pinot and compare it with a humble Claret. Well it wasn't that humble a claret, but it did really "humble" the Sonoma/Monterey/San Benito red. Obviously this is IMHO only.

Other than checking out BA's cellar (where is that on a 777?) today's been spent packing, planting and general having a chilled time. I'd hoped to get a ride in, but it didn't happen, I had too much filling to do I think.

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