MonoMonday Transport

I took only three photos today and this was the first one. Could have stopped there. This is so not me. But I knew I wanted to do MonoMonday, hosted today by ffredsmum so I was on the lookout for something that fit the theme. Arvin and I went out and did a huge shopping today. I hadn't been up to shopping since a week ago Sunday and we needed a lot of stuff. We went first to Costco which is where I saw this. In back is today's enticement by Costco to use its auto program and buy a new car. It's big, shiny, new and ostentatious. In front is "Buddy" owned by one of the shoppers I'm suspecting. Wisely the shopper parked Buddy right in front of the car. It is off the street. It is right out in the open. Nobody in their right mind would try to steal it. :)

I decided to try all kinds of fiddling with the photo and settled on this version for today's blip. I used the Nik Silver Efex Pro 2 to make the photo black and white. Then I used to cutout filter in CS6 to make it look more graphic. Take a look large. And here is the color version in case you would like to see what it really looked like.

Arvin and Helena are resting. It will be a nice quiet evening tonight watching the TV shows we didn't watch last night because we were having a lovely evening with my brothers. Cheers!

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