I told you , left my girl alone!

Hello my friends! I found this lovely pair of colourful pheasants in the park and I decided to blip them for you. They are in trovel I think.
I saw a lot around here in the fields and many are dead in the road poor them. The cars kill them everyday. They are crossing the road and don't care about the cars. The day we went for a trip around Norfolk and Suffolk I counted 9 dead in less than one hour.
Thanks a lot for the comments and stars about my portrait in the fields. Glad you like it. I really was surprised. My husband is very happy because he shoots this one and he choce it haha!.I would like to repeat it with the blue sky my self because mu husband had not patience..
I took a few pics of us together with my tripod and he refused to pose for me more than 3 or for shoots haha! He said than it is boring . I can spend one day taking pictures and I never have enought .
Hope everyone had a nice Easter and bank holiday. Keep smiling!

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