Tiger in the jungle
I left the house this afternoon to walk to Gunknowe Loch, camera in hand but about half way there I realised that there was no memory card in it! I turned back and took the memory card out of the reader and popped it into the camera. This time, I got to the end of the row of houses when I realised that the camera battery was flat so back home again to change the battery. At least this time, I saw before I was out of my driveway that the back up battery was dead too!
At this point I gave up and stuck one of the batteries on charge. When it was fully charged, I drove across to Melrose but discovered that the scaffolding of the abbey that I was told would be away in March was still there!! I went to the shop, got my paper (free this week as dad us on holiday and leaves his subscription vouchers with me) and just went home.
I took a few shots of the cats throughout the afternoon but I liked this one of Sheba with the setting sun behind her. It reminds me of an advert from the 80's for Ready Brek!
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