Playing Ball
It was an almighty effort, but I somehow managed to drag myself out of bed and walk to Carole's to collect my car. I then went on to the Marriott for a swim. With my dodgy leg and a thumping headache I only managed a few lengths and then a nice bubbly jacuzzi.
I decided to go into town this afternoon for a meander, but as my batteries were running on low I didn't last too long. I watched a few street performers sing, stand motionless, play instruments and kick a ball about. I enjoyed the sunshine. There were plenty of interesting characters about...a man was dancing as his friends played instruments and a little girl of about four jumped up to join him, she copied his every move and the pair drew a large crowd, it was lovely to watch. There was a stand trying to recruit victims for the TV programme Embarrassing Bodies...I wonder if they could do a full body transplant for me??...
I filled the washing machine with clothes ages ago and have just brought a second load downstairs to do that now...only to find I hadn't even switched it on before...doh!
Note to self...don't drink again!!!!
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