The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Spot Houdini

Not sure why Lottie Houdini has decided to squirrel up on the rating blanket whilst Pip lords over the big bed!

Funny day. Walked the girls then finished a book this morning that left me feeling quite down in the dumps. Swim session was hot, hard and I got out early. Food shop, collected Bex from the station, home for lunch and then a bit of work which stressed me out. Work went back into school bag!

Walked the girls again and Paul has gone to collect Q. Rob was die to come for dinner but his clutch has gone on his car so we won't have the family meal I was hoping for. Never mind, maybe another day. I'm making homemade chicken burgers - been using the new mincer again, I love it! Oh, and zero calorie Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream for dessert. Mmmmm. With zero calorie white wine too. It's no wonder my bottom has grown so much given all the zero calorie food I've been eating recently!!

Off on holibobs tomorrow. Must pack....

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