
By Namaikisaru

Pick Me a Winner

Today's photo could have been "Octopus Balls!" "Knobs On" or "Tiny Doozers" but they've all been relegated to Flickr.

I went to city hall to battle the bureaucracy which wasn't as bad as I expected. Papers in hand I set off to catch two trains and hike up a hill to the prefectural driving license centre. By the time I had done all this it was 1:37pm. They stop taking people in at 1:30.

Anyway I have to go back tomorrow to renew my license.

It's not all bad, I've been practicing taking shots of people with the camera on my hip while walking and all though I didn't get this guy center frame I was quite pleased to find, when I loaded the images from the sd card, that he is picking his nose.

If you want to see the tiny workmen and other random gubbins its here.

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