
By keithyboy

Camera blur

I am looking for a new camera and because I don't know that much about them, it's a bit difficult to choose one. I am trying to narrow down what I need and frankly, it's all a bit much to take in. Hopefully there will be light at the end of the tunnel after a couple of weeks of research.

The old Sony Nex 5 has been great to me but now it has become a bit limiting, it will always have a place in my heart and bag because something that has inspired me so often and brought out, if I dare say, a bit of a creative streak in me should never be left on the shelf.

Do you ever pick up old objects and get get a vibe from them of how you felt at the time you owned them? Maybe thays just me but some things just have a very special energy about them and I'm sure it will be one. Maybe I should have taken a photo of the Nex 5 instead of Nomi's compact.

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