What Would Jesus Do?

It was a perfect morning for an Easter service on the beach. We left the house early to get there for 7 am and were greeted by cheery, familiar faces. There's really something special about sharing a ceremony with others, outside, early in the morning. These people make up my sangha.

Marshmallows and onesies are traditional Easter symbols, right? I asked Dr T (renowned expert on all things biblical) and he said that marshmallows and the book of Leviticus have an uneasy relationship, something about a translation from the Aramaic - 'nuff said...

I took this shot for JoppaStrand and Tiggy as they were at the service last year and are far away this year.

Thinking of them in Qatar reminded me about this petition to Fifa to improve the working conditions for immigrant labourers who are building the infrastructure for the 2022 World Cup. I think Jesus would have been on the side of the workers.

The rest of the day was spent dozing, reading, meandering around Stockbridge, trying out a couple of bikes and an evening with a neighbour catching up and exchanging new words.

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