Easter bake


Munchie and her alarm were not good companions last night. Somehow she managed to set it off three times! Even more frustratingly, daddy slept through all three. I really struggle to get back to sleep after it has gone off so by the third I was a bit of a wreck!

(Changed her bedding tonight, motion mat had moved right over to far side of bed which explains everything!)

Daddy left me in bed till about 8:30 this morning, felt much better for it. He went off shooting, Charlotte and I made cookies. Cookie making did not go well though- think made the fatal mistake off one too many eggs into the mixture! Still, Munchie enjoyed it loads, she even attempted the washing up!

She then headed up to bed, climbed into bed, asked for her socks and trousers to come off and went to sleep.

Brother and his family came over for lunch, after initial ten minutes of clingyness, Charlotte relaxed and had great fun playing. Lots of giggles and cuddles. Some beautiful gifts too.

Had a vey chilled out (I may have slept a little on the sofa ) afternoon. Tea for Munchie, early bath then into bed as she was sooooo very tired. Lee and I have just devoured done freshly picked asparagus which was heavenly. Early bed for all.

Hope everyone has had a lovely Easter Day x

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