
Spent most of today tinkering about programming as it was too wet and miserable to go outside. I've added a data logger to my home server to record the CPU frequency and temperature every 5 seconds and plot data graphs so I can see what it's up to. Since I gave it a darn good clean and re-positioned the ventilation-duct, I'm hoping it's not going to overheat again.

Today's blip is a close-up of my better half's mother's key to her flat in Paris. Someone tried to force the door last year and so they changed the lock and beefed up security and this old key is now redundant. Behind it some Green & Blacks Easter egg wrapping foil - which was good but I've eaten too much and I don't want chocolate for a long time.

Thinking of security, the fall-out from the OpenSSL Heartbleed is still rumbling on. Seems a lot of companies were happy to use opensource software to make lots of profit but weren't willing to contribute much back to keep it safe and secure. Now someone found a bug they are all upset... The good news is that while the bug has been there for a while it looks like until the media made a fuss it wasn't being exploited by many people. The depressing thing is that GCHQ/NSA didn't officially spot it or were actively using it...

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