Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica

Markets burning..........

A quiet day as the rains are still with us! Just after 6pm as it was getting dark, I went to pull the curtains and heard a lot of commotion outside and this is what I saw - a very large fire with flames so large that they were taller than the building in front of my house! I rushed out to find that the main market in Mzuzu was in flames and its burnt to the ground - so sad for all the families who have lost their livelihoods and many of them my friends who I shop from regularly!

We are not sure of the cause but it is being blamed on a small charcoal burner being left unattended. It was horrific noise with large explosions as things were being burnt. And another sad fact is that people were looting the shops which were not burning.........sometimes I wonder what is happening in this world...

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