Breaking waves

Evie the Wonderdog came to visit this morning, and we bundled her, Sigyn the Inquisitive and Talisker the Bewildered in the car and took a run out west to the Bay of Skaill. We turned south and headed out past the Hole o' Row and down along the stunning cliff tops towards Yesnaby. The sky was totally cloudless and it was fabulous to be out in the sunshine with the light of my life. Sadly time was not on our side as we both had work to go to. The walk was curtailed and we headed back to the car, stopping by the Hole o' Row to take a few pictures of the huge breakers crashing in on the shore. This shot is directly west - the next landfall would be Newfoundland.
The cliff here is about 100 feet high, and is always impressive. Even on the calmest of days. We will return and spend longer there soon...

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