
By CharlotteJ


After a scrabbled egg and bacon late breakfast we headed off to a local country fair, it was very busy which was good to see. Of course I took lots of photos hoping I had a blip but like all good plans things changed. After deciding the wind and rain was just a bit too much even with warm weather proof gear on we headed home and just as we were about to turn into our drive there was a dog running loose with no owner. Of course me being me approached the dog and he sat immediately but had no collar on. We made a temporary lead with a bit of rope and my neighbour who has a dog lent me a spare lead. So off we went around the village to the 'collie' owners and where pointed here there and everywhere as to who might be his possible owner but sadly without joy. Another neighbour who has dogs said she would take him whilst we made a plan and thankfully at that very moment another neighbour turned up with her mum who was visiting with a joyful 'Kai's here'. Happy ending but I did rather hope he might become mine ;).

So here you have Kai my blip for today.

Now it's time for Easter Sunday roast and then a movie.


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